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ARD Monitoring

The ARD Monitoring API allows you to subscribe to persistent searches for imagery. When a new image is acquired that matches your search criteria you can be notified by email or via Amazon SNS.

For more information see the Monitoring API User Guide

Creating a new monitor is similar to creating Selects and Orders. Notifications take either a bounding box or geometry object over which to watch, and a query dictionary for filter queries. In the Select tutorial we searched for imagery over Albuequerque, here we'll set up an identical monitor:

from max_ard import Monitor

bbox = [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4]

query = {
        "platform": {
          "eq": "worldview-02"

        "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
          "gte": 95
        "aoi:data_percentage": {
          "gte": 75

monitor = Monitor(bbox=bbox, query=query)

#optionally, give the monitor a name and/or description
monitor = Monitor(bbox=bbox, query=query, name="My Monitor", description="Albuquerque Example")

You can add notifications in the same matter as Order objects:

monitor.add_email_notification(<your email>)
monitor.add_sns_notification(<your topic ARN>)

Then submit the Monitor to the service:


You can deactivate a Monitor by using the delete method. This is a "soft" delete and sets the monitor to be inactive.


For troubleshooting, you can retrieve a monitor's history in case you suspect your notifications are not getting through. Note that you do not need to use this to poll the monitor - the system will send you a notification.


To list active monitors in your account, use:


You can also retrieve a monitor by its ID:


Monitors have the following useful attributes:

  • .monitor_id: ID of the monitor
  • .name: Name of the monitor, if used
  • .description: Description of the monitor, if used
  • .cell_ids : List of the ARD Grid cells the monitor is watching
  • .cells : maxar_canvas_grid Cell objects for the watched cells
  • .query : Query used to filter new acquisitions

Monitor objects also support the Python Geospatial Protocol and return a MultiPolygon of the monitored cells.

from shapely.geometry import shape

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