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Account Resource

Last updated: January 20, 2023



See also: Account Administration User Guide

Account requests

http method path description role required
GET /account/{account_id} Get account details admin, user
GET /account/{account_id}/order List orders for an account admin


key value description
Authorization Bearer {{token}} Authentication method for ARD API requests.
Content-Type application/json Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body.

Get account details

Get the details of the account you belong to.

GET admin/account/{account_id}

Example Request


Role: Admin or user


    "account": {
        "account_id": "5600098189427357..",
        "name": "Maxar ARD Docs",
        "sap": "65432",
        "contract_start": "2022-02-20",
        "contract_end": "2023-02-20",
        "active": true,
        "internal": false,
        "sales_support_contacts": null,
        "created": "2021-02-25T20:55:26Z",
        "modified": "2022-06-03T15:13:41Z",
        "pricing": {
            "fresh_imagery_price": 25,
            "standard_imagery_price": 20,
            "training_imagery_price": 5
        "limits": {
            "annual_subscription_fee_limit": 15000,
            "fresh_imagery_fee_limit": 20000,
            "standard_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
            "training_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
            "tasking_imagery_fee_limit": 5000
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "users": "",
        "applications": "",
        "credentials": ""
    "response_timestamp": "2022-06-03T15:14:08Z"

Response fields

field description example
account_id The ID of the account the administrator is a part of. 557471230760500000
active Indicates an active or inactive account. true = active, false = inactive. "active": true
admin If set to true, user has admin privileges for account administration. "active": true
contract_end Indicates the end of the ARD contract period. "contract_end": "2023-01-01",
contract_start Indicates the start of the ARD contract period. "contract_start": "2021-01-01"
limits The annual subscription and fee limits set for the account. If an imagery order will surpass the set limits, it will return an error and will not be placed. See "Limits" table below.
links Links to additional information about the account. These links require ARD authentication. See "Links" table below.
name The name given to the account. "name": "My Business"
response_timestamp Indicates the time the response to the request was returned. "response_timestamp": "2021-07-27T19:50:24Z
pricing The price per square kilometer for each image age category. The value is a dollar amount. See "Pricing" table below.
sap The SAP ID on the account order. This is supplied by Maxar. "sap": 65432
link description
credentials List the third-party credentials registered for this account.
self View the details of the account you belong to.
users List the users in the account you belong to.

The following fields are shown in the "limits" section

name description example
annual_subscription_fee_limit The total annual fee for the ARD subscription. "annual_subscription_fee_limit": 582.50
fresh_imagery_fee_limit The limit set for imagery in the "fresh" image age category. Once the limit has been met for this category, no more "fresh" imagery can be ordered.If the fee limit is set to zero "0", imagery from this category cannot be ordered. If the limit is set to 1, there is a fee limit for this category, and only the annual subscription fee limit applies. "fresh_imagery_fee_limit": 200.00
standard_imagery_fee_limit The limit set for imagery in the "standard" image age category. Once the limit has been met for this category, no more "standard" imagery can be ordered. If the fee limit is set to zero "0", imagery from this category cannot be ordered.If the limit is set to 1, there is a fee limit for this category, and only the annual subscription fee limit applies. "standard_imagery_fee_limit": -1
training_imagery_fee_limit The limit set for imagery in the "training" image age category. Once the limit has been met for this category, no more "training" imagery can be ordered. "training_imagery_fee_limit": 1000.00
tasking_imagery_fee_limit The limit set for imagery collected by a tasking request. This fee limit is separate from the annual subscription fee limit. "tasking_imagery_fee_limit": 5000.00

The default value for the category and square kilometer limit fields is null or -1.

Note: The value set for any '[category]_fee_limit' cannot be greater than the value set for the annual subscription fee limit. If any single category limit exceeds the annual subscription fee limit, the account creation or update request will return an error.


ARD subscriptions include pricing for imagery based on its age. These categories are:

name description example
fresh_imagery_price The price per sqkm of fresh imagery. "fresh_imagery_price": 25.0
standard_imagery_price The price per sqkm of standard imagery. "standard_imagery_price": 20.0
training_imagery_price The price per sqkm of training imagery. "training_imagery_price": 5.0
tasking_imagery_price The price per sqkm of tasking imagery. "tasking_imagery_price": 35.0
Image age categories

These are the image age categories for archive imagery:

image age category time since acquisition
Fresh imagery less than or equal to 90 days
Standard imagery 91 days to 3 years
Training imagery more than 3 years

List orders for the account

Retrieves a page listing of orders for an account. Query parameters can be passed to limit or refine the results. Orders are sorted from newest to oldest.

GET /account/{account_id}/order

Role: Admin

Query parameters

All query parameters are optional. If no parameters are used, a default of 10 orders will be returned, starting from the oldest order.

query param description example
end_date Indicates the last date for which orders should be displayed, based on order creation date. The date must be in ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. end_date=2017-01-01
ending_before Page backward from the specified order ID. ending_before=5575483352480018730
filter Filter orders by a specific value in one of the order metadata fields. See Filter options below. filter=date_created:2021-06-08
limit The number of orders to return in the response. This defaults to 10. limit=5
start_date Indicates the earliest order to display, based on order creation date. Orders are returned from that date to the date the list orders request is made. The date must be in ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-DD. start_date=2017-01-01
starting_after Page forward from a specified orderID. starting_after=5575303766309754274
sort indicates sort order, desc (default) for descending order (newest first) and asc for ascending order (oldest first) sort=asc
user_id Return orders for a specific user. user_id=8591414d9c-d5d8-A903-a89d-45FOSea4cadf94

To query by a date range, set both start_date and end_date.

Example: start_date=2017-01-01&end_date=2017-12-31

Multiple query parameters can be selected for a single request. When more than one query parameter is used, they should be separated by an ampersand &.

Example: Query for a specific user, and limit the response to 5.

Filter options

Use the filter parameter to filter by any queryable field in the order's metadata.

Example: Return orders created on June 8, 2021.

To filter for a nested field, separate with a period ..

Example: output_config.google_cloud_storage.bucket:my-ard-bucket

To filter by multiple fields at once, add two "filter" clauses, separated by an ampersand &.


The following fields from an Order's metadata are queryable using the "filter" query parameter:

field description example
date_created Filter for all orders created on a specified date. filter=date_created:2021-06-08
bundle_adjust Filter for all orders with bundle adjust set to the specified value (true/false). filter=bundle_adjust:true
output_config Filter for orders with a specific value set for a parameter in the output_config section. filter=output_config.google_cloud_storage.bucket:my-ard-bucket
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