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max-ard CLI

Ordering Tools

The ARD Order service allows you to order ARD products to be delivered to your S3 bucket

max-ard order

Base command for ARD orders.

max-ard order status

Usage: max-ard order status ORDER_ID [--format FORMAT]

Gets the status of an order given the ORDER_ID


  • --format Output the order status in other formats: raw for the full response JSON
% max-ard order status <ORDER_ID>

Order states are:

% max-ard order status <order ID> --format raw
{<order JSON>}

max-ard order describe

Usage: max-ard order describe ORDER_ID

Returns details of an order given the ORDER_ID.

% max-ard order describe <ORDER_ID>

max-ard order submit

Usage: max-ard order submit [OPTIONS]

Returns details of an order given the ORDER_ID.


  • --destination Destination of the tiles: an S3 bucket and optional prefix. Google Cloud and Azure are not supported in the CLI yet due to their awkwardly long credentials. [required]

  • --select-id Order the results of a Select query with the Select ID. Passing listen will listen on stdin for the results of a max-ard select submit command, see below.

  • --acq-id Order a given acquisition by acquisition ID, can be provided multiple times. If used with a Select ID the order will only include tiles for the provided IDs.

  • --role-arn A trusted Role ARN for the writer to assume so it can write tiles.

  • --dry-run If true, submits the order for basic validation, checks the output location is writeable, but will not generate tiles. Default is false.

  • --intersects Only generate tiles that intersect this geometry. Can be WKT, GeoJSON or a path to a file, see below.

  • --bbox Like--intersects, but takes a WGS84 bounding box in the form --bbox XMIN YMIN XMAX YMAX

  • --bba If true, the order system will use Bundle Block Adjustment to align images within this order.

  • --add-email Add an email address to receive order notifications. Can be used multiple times to add more than one email address.

  • --add-sns Add an AWS SNS topic to send notifications to. Can be used multiple times to add more than one topic.

  • --yes, -y Skip confirmation dialogs.

  • --verbose, -v Outputs more information about the process such as the request payload sent to the API.

Confirmation Dialogs

This command will prompt the user with the following questions if the --yes or -y option is not used:

  • If there are no notifications (email or SNS), the command will check if this was intended.
  • If not in dry-run mode, the command will confirm that you are sure you want to place the order. Once an order is submitted it cannot be cancelled so be sure to double-check your parameters are correct.

Intersects Inputs

The --intersects parameter can be a WKT or GeoJSON string, or a path to a WKT or GeoJSON file. If Fiona is installed, most common geospatial file formats can also be read.

Note: only POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON geometry types are accepted. Geometries with a large number of vertices may exceed the maximum HTTP POST size. For complex AOIs, We recommend simplifying the geometry first or using the bounding box of the input and the --bbox parameter instead.

Geometries must be submitted in WGS84 units.

Ordering a Select

If you have run a Select and would like to order it:

% max-ard order submit \
  --destination 's3://my_bucket/prefix' \
  --select_id <id> \
  --add_email_notification ''

Piping Selects to Orders

It is possible to pipe (|) the output of a Select command directly to an Order command by passing --select_id listen. For automation you will also want to pass --yes so confirmation dialogs are skipped.

% max-ard select submit \
  --bbox -104.9 39.7 -104.5 39.9 \
  --filter aoi:cloud_free_percentage gt 95 \
  | max-ard order submit \
  --destination 's3://my_bucket/prefix' \
  --select-id listen \

Ordering specific IDs

If you know the acquisition IDs you would like to order, for example from searching on, you can order them directly without a Select:

max-ard order submit \
  --destination 's3://my_bucket/prefix' \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 1> \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 2> \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 3> \
  --add_email ''

Dry-running orders

You can submit an order for basic validation without generating any products. Because this does not start the processing pipeline, no email or SNS notifications are triggered. In addition to the dry run succeeding, you can verify the Order system was able to access your output location by looking for a file named <id>-request.json in your output location.

max-ard order submit  \
  --destination 's3://my_bucket/prefix' \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 1> \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 2> \
  --acq-id <acquisition ID 3> \
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