Select Resource¶
Last updated: August 29, 2022
See also: Selecting Imagery User Guide
Select requests¶
http method | path | name | description |
POST | /select | Select ARD imagery | Select imagery to order by query criteria or acquisition IDs. |
GET | /select/request/{select_id} | Get Selection details | Get the status and details of an imagery selection request. |
GET | /select/files/{select_id.extension} | Download a Select File | Get a "select" file to download by extension type. |
key | value | description |
Authorization | Bearer {{token}} | Authentication method for ARD API requests. |
Content-Type | application/json | Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body. |
Select imagery¶
POST /select
Select imagery by criteria¶
Select imagery that matches a set of criteria.
Request body¶
parameter | required | description | example |
ids | optional | A list of acquisition IDs. A list of acquisition IDs can optionally be constrained by an AOI. | "ids": ["10300100B3841C00", "10300100AB101A00"] |
bbox | optional, but required if intersects value is not supplied |
The "select image by criteria" request requires an AOI in either the "intersects" or "bbox" field. | "bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4] |
datetime | optional | an ISO-8601-formatted string to indicate the imagery date; to indicate a range use a / to separate two date strings, for open-ended ranges use .. as the date e.g. "2019-10-25T09:00:00Z/.. | "datetime": "2019-10-25T09:00:00Z/2020-10-26T13:00:00Z" |
image_age_category | optional | a list of age categories used to limit the age of image tiles returned in the selection results; allowed values are "fresh", "standard", and "training". | "image_age_category": ["standard", "training"] |
intersects | optional, but required if bbox value is not supplied. |
The "select imagery by criteria" request requires an AOI in either the "intersects" or "bbox" field. | "intersects": "POLYGON ((-106.8 35.1,-106.4 35.1,-106.4 35.4,-106.8 35.4,-106.8 35.1))" |
query | required if the ids field isn't populated. |
Include query fields and values or submit an empty object to query by only the fields with default values set. See the query fields table below. See "Query fields" table below. | "query": {"aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {"gte": 95.0} or "query":{} |
stack_depth | optional | The maximum number of tiles per cell to return; defaults to 5. | "stack_depth": 10 |
Query fields¶
parameter | default value | description | example |
aoi:cloud_free_percentage | none | The percentage of the AOI intersection area not covered by clouds. | "aoi:cloud_free_percentage":{"gte": 95.0} |
aoi:data_percentage | none | The percentage of the tile area intersected by the AOI. | "aoi:data_percentage":{"gte": 75.0} |
collect_day | optional | The day the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or range with an operator. | "collect_day": {"between": ["15", "21"]} |
collect_month | optional | The month the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or a range with an operator. | "collect_month": {"in": ["12", "01", "02"]} |
collect_month_day | optional | The month and day the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or a range with operator. | "collect_month_day": {"between": ["03-20","06-21"]} |
view:azimuth | none | The angle measured from the sub-satellite point (point on the ground below the platform) between the scene center and true north. Measured clockwise from north in degrees (0-360). | "view:azimuth": {"lte": 60} |
view:off_nadir | none | The angle from the sensor between nadir (straight down) and the scene center, measured in degrees (0-90). (Note: for tiles, this is the average off-nadir angle of the full image strip.) | "view:off_nadir": {"lte": 20} |
view:sun_azimuth | none | From the scene center point on the ground, this is the angle between true north and the sun. Measured clockwise in degrees (0-360). | "view:sun azimuth": {"lte": 30} |
view:sun_elevation | "gte": 5 | The angle from the tangent of the scene center point to the sun. Measured from the horizon in degrees (0-90). See "nighttime imagery" note below. | "view:sun_elevation": {"gte": 20} |
multi_resolution_avg | none | The average multispectral resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "multi_resolution_avg":{"lte": 2.0} |
multi_resolution_max | none | The maximum multispectral resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "multi_resolution_max":{"eq": 8.0} |
multi_resolution_min | none | The minimum multispectral resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "multi_resolution_min":"eq": 1.7} |
off_nadir_max | none | The maximum off-nadir angle of the full image strip. | "off_nadir_max": {"eq": "20"} |
off_nadir_min | none | The minimum off-nadir angle of the full image strip. | "off_nadir_min": {"eq": 0} |
pan_resolution_avg | none | The average panchromatic resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "pan_resolution_avg": {"lte": .47} |
pan_resolution_max | none | The maximum panchromatic resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "multi_resolution_max": {"eq": .60}" |
pan_resolution_min | none | The minimum panchromatic resolution for the strip. This is the native resolution as collected by the satellite. | "multi_resolution_min": {"eq": .40} |
platform | geoeye-01, worldview-01, worldview-02, worldview-03, worldview-04 |
The name of the satellite used to collect the image. Allowed values are geoeye-01, worldview-02, worldview-03, and worldview-04. For worldview-03, only VNIR imagery is available as ARD. | "platform": {"eq": "worldview-03"} |
Nighttime imagery¶
ARD is not available for nighttime imagery because pre-processing includes atmospheric compensation (AComp) for surface reflectance. Because there is no energy to reflect in nighttime imagery, results may not be as expected. Any imagery with a sun elevation of 5 degrees or less is considered nighttime imagery.
The default sun elevation value can be overridden by submitting the field with a value as part of the query object. However, if a view:sun_elevation
value of less than 5 is submitted in a "select" request, the imagery will be included in the selection, but it will fail during the ordering process. If this occurs, the order response will show this error message:
"message": "Bad Request: Acquisition [id number]cannot be ordered because it has a sun elevation value less than 5",
"code": "invalid_parameters",
"type": "invalid_request_error"
Example request: Select imagery by criteria¶
"bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4],
"image_age_category": ["standard"],
"stack_depth": 3,
"query": {
"collect_month_day": {
"between": ["03-20", "06-21"]
"aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
"gte": 95.0
"aoi:data_percentage": {
"gte": 75.0
"view:off_nadir": {
"lt": 30
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gte": 5
Example request: select imagery by criteria without specifying query fields or values.¶
The query object is required if the request does not include the ids
field. You can submit an empty query object. In this scenario, only the query fields that have a default value set will be used in the selection process.
"image_age_category": ["standard", "training"],
"bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4],
"stack_depth": 7,
"query": {},
This query would select based on the main body of the request and the query fields with default values.
Submitting an empty query object is equivalent to querying by the following fields and values:
"query": {
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gte": 5
"platform": {
"in": [
"instruments": {
"not-contains": "SWIR"
Note: The instruments
field should not be set in a request body. Only the default value of "not-contains":swir
will return results.
Note: A "select by criteria" request requires an AOI in either the intersects
or the bbox
field. However, including both fields will result in an error.
To learn more about AOIs, see AOI Examples and Guidelines.
Select imagery by acquisition ID and AOI¶
Request body¶
parameter | required | description | example |
bbox | optional | The "select imagery by acquisition ID" request can be constrained by an AOI in either the "intersects" or "bbox" field. | "bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4] |
ids | required for this request type | A list of acquisition IDs for selection. | "ids": ["10300100B3841C00", "10300100AC700900"] |
intersects | optional | The "select imagery by acquisition ID" request can be constrained by an AOI in either the "intersects" or "bbox" field. | "intersects": "POLYGON ((-106.8 35.1,-106.4 35.1,-106.4 35.4,-106.8 35.4,-106.8 35.1))" |
Example: Select imagery by acquisition ID and AOI¶
"ids": ["10300100B3841C00", "10300100AC700900"],
"bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4]
Select response¶
A Select request returns the following responde code, along with a link to the "Get Select Details" request URL.
Status: 202: Accepted
Get Select Details¶
GET /select/request/{select_id}
Get the status and details of a "select" request.
Path parameters¶
parameter | description | example |
select_id | The ID from the "Select" response. | "id": "5593392884763461609" |
Select Details response¶
The select request details response includes the following information:
Request details
Request status
Stack depth fulfillment details
Number of unique acquisitions in the selection
Usage data
Request details¶
The request body for the selection.
"id": "5705192618481751693",
"response_timestamp": "2021-07-20T20:59:24Z",
"duration": "0:00:05.017000",
"request_details": {
"datetime": "2020-07-01T00:00:00Z/2021-01-25T00:00:00Z",
"bbox": [
"stack_depth": 3,
"query": {
"platform": {
"eq": "worldview-01"
"aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
"gte": 95.0
"aoi:data_percentage": {
"gte": 75.0
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gte": 10
Request status¶
"status": "SUCCEEDED"
Stack depth fulfilled¶
The stack depth summary for each cell in the selection.The stack depth is set in the "select" request. If no depth is set, the default is 5.
field | description |
filled | The number of cells in the selection where the requested stack depth has been met. |
partial | The number of cells in the selection that contain at least one tile in the stack, but do not meet the request stack depth. |
empty | The number of empty cells in the selection. |
total | The total number of cells in the selection. |
"stack_depth_summary": {
"filled": 1,
"partial": 39,
"empty": 16,
"total": 56
Unique acquisitions¶
The number of unique acquisitions in the selection.
"unique_acquisitions": 5,
Links to files pertaining to the selection. Links require ARD authentication to open.
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": "",
"html": "",
"geojson": "",
"geojsonl": "",
"stac": ""
Estimated usage and cost data pertaining to the imagery selection. To learn how to interpret usage data, see Account Usage.
"usage": {
"limits": {
"limit_sqkm": -1,
"annual_subscription_fee_limit": 100500,
"fresh_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
"standard_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
"training_imagery_fee_limit": -1
"area": {
"training_imagery_sqkm": 0,
"total_imagery_sqkm": 1313,
"fresh_imagery_sqkm": 0,
"standard_imagery_sqkm": 1313,
"estimate": true
"cost": {
"fresh_imagery_cost": 0,
"standard_imagery_cost": 14,
"training_imagery_cost": 0,
"total_imagery_cost": 140,
"estimate": true
"available": {
"available_sqkm": -1,
"total_imagery_balance": 100360,
"fresh_imagery_balance": -1,
"standard_imagery_balance": -1,
"training_imagery_balance": -1
"usage_as_of": "2021-07-20T20:59:18Z"
Example Get Status response¶
Status: 200 OK
"id": "5890025443722088241",
"response_timestamp": "2022-04-01T21:29:13Z",
"duration": "0:00:05.152000",
"request_details": {
"bbox": [
"image_age_category": [
"stack_depth": 3,
"query": {
"collect_month_day": {
"between": [
"aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
"gte": 95.0
"aoi:data_percentage": {
"gte": 75.0
"view:off_nadir": {
"lt": 30
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gte": 5
"platform": {
"in": [
"instruments": {
"not-contains": "SWIR"
"status": "SUCCEEDED",
"stack_depth_summary": {
"filled": 29,
"partial": 25,
"empty": 2,
"total": 56
"unique_acquisitions": 15,
"links": {
"self": "",
"status": "",
"html": "",
"geojson": "",
"geojsonl": "",
"stac": ""
"usage": {
"limits": {
"limit_sqkm": -1,
"annual_subscription_fee_limit": -1,
"fresh_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
"standard_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
"training_imagery_fee_limit": -1
"area": {
"training_imagery_sqkm": 0,
"total_imagery_sqkm": 3014,
"fresh_imagery_sqkm": 0,
"standard_imagery_sqkm": 3014,
"estimate": true
"cost": {
"fresh_imagery_cost": 0,
"standard_imagery_cost": 31,
"training_imagery_cost": 0,
"total_imagery_cost": 31,
"estimate": true
"available": {
"available_sqkm": -1,
"total_imagery_balance": -1,
"fresh_imagery_balance": -1,
"standard_imagery_balance": -1,
"training_imagery_balance": -1
"usage_as_of": "2022-04-01T21:29:08Z"
Response fields¶
field | description | example |
bbox | The bounding box coordinates to which selection results will be limited in [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] format. | "bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4] |
datetime | the yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ formatted string representation of the date/time of collection. | "2019-10-25T09:00:00Z/2020-10-26T13:00:00Z" |
ids | The ID of an acquisition to be selected. | "ids": ["10300100B3841C00", "10300100AC700900"] |
image_age_category | A date-based field for choosing an image age category of "fresh", "standard", or "training". | "image_age_category": ["standard", "training"] |
intersects | The geometry to which selection results will be limited; accepts a polygon, a GeoJSON feature collection, or a multipolygon GeoJSON geometry or WKT format. | "intersects": "POLYGON ((-106.8 35.1,-106.4 35.1,-106.4 35.4,-106.8 35.4,-106.8 35.1))" |
aoi:cloud_free_percentage | The percentage of the AOI intersection area not covered by clouds. | "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": |
collect_day | The day the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or range with an operator. | "collect_day": |
collect_month | The month the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or a range with an operator. | "collect_month": |
collect_month_day | The month and day the imagery was collected. Can be a single value or a range with operator. | "collect_month_day": |
aoi:data_percentage | The percentage of the tile area intersected by the AOI. | "aoi:data_percentage": |
view:azimuth | The angle measured from the sub-satellite point (point on the ground below the platform) between the scene center and true north. Measured clockwise from north in degrees (0-360). | "view:azimuth": |
view:off_nadir | The angle from the sensor between nadir (straight down) and the scene center, measured in degrees (0-90). (Note: for tiles, this is the average off-nadir angle of the full image strip.) | "view_off_nadir": |
view:sun_azimuth | From the scene center point on the ground, this is the angle between true north and the sun. Measured clockwise in degrees (0-360). | "view:sun azimuth": |
view:sun_elevation | The angle from the tangent of the scene center point to the sun. Measured from the horizon in degrees (0-90). Default is "greater than or equal to 5, "gte": 5.0 . See note below. |
"view:sun_elevation": |
off_nadir_min | The minimum off-nadir angle of the full image strip. | "off_nadir_min": |
off_nadir_max | The maximum off-nadir angle of the full image strip. | "off_nadir_max": |
platform | The name of the satellite used to collect the image. Allowed values are geoeye-01, worldview-01, worldview-02, worldview-03, and worldview-04. For worldview-03, only VNIR imagery is available as ARD. | "platform": |
stack_depth | The maximum number of tiles per cell to return; defaults to 5. | "stack_depth": 5 |
Note: By default, results include imagery from geoeye-01, worldview-02, worldview-03, and worldview-04. See WorldView-1 Ordering for examples of ordering WorldView-1 imagery.
Download a file from the selection results¶
GET /select/files/{request_id}.{extension}
Access and download individual files from the select results.
Path parameters¶
parameter | description | example |
request_id | The id of the select request. | 5704485897238655107 |
extension | (optional) Extension of the file requested. Supported extensions are 'stac', 'html', 'geojson', and 'geojsonl'. If no extension is provided, then the output of the original /select request is returned. |
704485897238655107.geojsonl |
Example request¶
A successful response will return a download link for the requested file.
Example success response¶
"file_size": 3682,
"download_link": "",
"download_link_expiration": 3600
Download links¶
A successful response will contain a download link for requested file as well as metadata fields.
file_size: size of requested file in bytes
download_link: presigned download link for requested file
download_link_expiration: the amount of time (in seconds) the download link will be valid for