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ARD API Reference

Last updated: August 8, 2022

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Base URL


ARD credentials are used to fetch an access token. This token is required for all API requests. A token is valid for 12 hours.


There are two ARD roles: Admin and User. When the admin role is required for an endpoint, it's indicated in the reference documentation.


The following headers apply to all APIs except the "Browse" API. See Browse APIfor Browse request headers.

key value description
Authorization Bearer {{token}} Authentication method for ARD API requests.
Content-Type application/json Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body.


resource description
Admin Get account information and manage users on the account (admin role only).
Auth Get a token for API access.
Metadata Explore metadata for the tiles within a cell.
Monitor Monitor for new imagery acquisitions based on an AOI and user-specified search criteria.
Select Select ARD imagery to order.
Order Order ARD imagery and deliver to a cloud platform. Optionally, run bundle block adjustment the ordered image stack.
Usage Get usage information for an account (admin only) or for a specific user.

HTTP Methods

REST CRUD (create, read/retrieve, update, delete) operations are used to make HTTP requests.

method description examples
GET Retrieve data from the server. This is a read-only method. List all my orders, Get the details of a specific order.
POST Make a request that requires data to be sent to the server. This method requires a request body. Select imagery, order imagery.
PATCH Update part of a record. This method requires a request body with only the fields to be updated. Update a field in a user record (admin only).
PUT Update/replace a record. This method requires a request body with all required fields included. Update registered credentials (admin only).
DELETE The ARD API uses the DELETE method to disable a record without removing it. Deleting a record from the server is not supported. Disable a user in an account (admin only).

Query Operators

operator description example
between The field value is between the filter values, inclusive (synonym for range). "view:azimuth": {"between": [90, 270]}.
contains The filter value is in the field value. If the field value is a string, then the filter value is matched as a substring of the field value. If the field value is a list/array, then the filter value is matched as an element of the list. "instruments": {"contains": "VNIR"}.
eq The field value is equal to the filter value. "platform": {"eq": "worldview-02"}.
gt The field value is greater than the filter value. "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {"gt": 90}.
gte The field value is greater than or equal to the filter value. "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {"gte": 90}.
in The field value is one of the listed filter values. "platform": {"in": ["geoeye-01", "worldview-03"]}.
lt The field value is less than the filter value. "view:off_nadir": {"lt": 30}.
lte The field value is less than or equal to the filter value. "view:off_nadir": {"lte": 30}.
not-contains The filter value is not in the field value. If the field value is a string, then the filter value is matched as a substring of the field value. If the field value is a list/array, then the filter value is matched as an element of the list. "instruments": {"not-contains": "SWIR"}.
range The field value is between the filter values, inclusive (synonym for between). "view:azimuth": {"range": [90, 270]}.

Error Codes

code description
400 Bad Request Invalid or incorrectly formatted input.
404 Not Found The requested record cannot be found.
405 Method Not Allowed The request method is not allowed.
500 Internal Server Error An unexpected error was encountered.

Reading API Reference Documentation

In the ARD API reference section, each main resource has its own page. Resource pages provide the following information:

  • Resource name (page title)

  • Endpoints for the resource

  • Path, Query, and Body Parameters for each endpoint

  • Request example for each endpoint

  • Response example and field definitions for each applicable Endpoint

Additional Resources

Python SDK and CLI

We encourage use of our Python SDK and Command Line Interface (CLI) for interacting with ARD. These tools were designed with additional functionality and more flexibility than direct API access. SDK and CLI Documentation.

Postman Collection

The Postman collection is a useful way to try out API requests and view responses.

Postman collection

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