WorldView-1 Imagery¶
Last updated: April 4, 2022
WorldView-1 imagery can be ordered as ARD. A WorldView-1 order delivery includes a panchromatic GeoTIFF, a 1-band Pan "visual, a STAC item metadata file, and a subset of masks. WorldView-1 is not included in select, explore, or monitoring requests by default. It must be explicitly requested.
Select, explore, and monitor for WorldView-1 imagery¶
To request WorldView-1 imagery, you can submit a list of acquisition IDs, or query for imagery using the platform
field in your request.
WorldView-1 acquisitions¶
If you have one or more WorldView-1 acquisition IDs, you can submit it in any of the following API request types:
Select by acquisition ID
Explore tile metadata by acquisition ID
Order by acquisition ID
This example submits a list of WorldView-1 acquisitions IDs with an AOI in a select, cell metadata, or monitoring request.
"ids": ["10200100B9DFEE00", "10200100B3863300"],
"bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4],
Query for WorldView-1 imagery¶
To make a "Select", "Cell Metadata", or "Monitor" API request, worldview-01
must be listed in the platform
By default, when no “platform” list is submitted in a request, ARD returns worldview-02
, worldview-03
, and geoeye-01
Query for only WorldView-1 imagery¶
This example shows how to query for only worldview-01
imagery. This query will override the defaults values and return only imagery capture by the WorldView-1 satellite.
"intersects": "POLYGON ((-106.8 35.1,-106.4 35.1,-106.4 35.4,-106.8 35.4,-106.8 35.1))",
"stack_depth": 3,
"query": {
"platform": {
"eq": "worldview-01"
"aoi:data_percentage": {
"gte": 75.0
"view:off_nadir": {
"lt": 30
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gt": 5
Query for imagery from multiple satellites¶
This example shows how to query for imagery from all satellites that ARD is available from.
"intersects": "POLYGON ((-106.8 35.1,-106.4 35.1,-106.4 35.4,-106.8 35.4,-106.8 35.1))",
"stack_depth": 3,
"query": {
"platform": {
"in": ["worldview-01", "worldview-02", "worldview-03", "worldview-04", "geoeye-01"]
"aoi:data_percentage": {
"gte": 75.0
"view:off_nadir": {
"lt": 30
"view:sun_elevation": {
"gt": 5
Note: To order imagery discovered by a select, cell metadata, or monitor request, use the select ID or query ID to place the order. See the Ordering Guide for examples.
WorldView-1 order deliveries¶
WorldView-1 captures single-band panchromatic imagery. Because the images are single-band, some ARD assets are not generated during the ordering process.
Image files¶
These image files are included in a WorldView-1 tile delivery.
Image file | Description | Filename |
panchromatic image | A single-band black and white image in GeoTiff format. | {acquisitionID}-pan.tif |
visual image | A panchromatic 1-band image in GeoTiff format. | {acquisitionID}-visual.tif |
These masks are included in a WorldView-1 delivery.
Mask | Description | File type | Filename |
Cloud/Cloud Shadow Coverage Raster | Identifies clouds and cloud shadow pixels. | raster | {acquisitionID}-clouds.tif |
Cloud Polygons | Traces the boundaries of identified cloud polygons. | vector | {acquisitionID}-cloud-mask.gpkg |
Cloud Shadow Polygons | Traces the boundaries of identified cloud shadows. | vector | {acquisitionID}-cloud-shadow-mask.gpkg |
Data Mask | Identifies all pixels classified as "data" in the raster image and vectorizes those pixels as a GeoPackage. Pixels are either classified as "data" or "no data". | vector | {acquisitionID}-data-mask.gpkg |
Metadata files¶
These metadata files are included in all order deliveries, including a WorldView-1 delivery.
File | Description | File type | Filename |
STAC item metadata file | Describes the ordered tile and its assets. | JSON | {acquisitionID}.json |
Order STAC collection file | Describes the contents of the order delivery. | JSON | /order_collections/{orderID}_root_collection.json |
Acquisition STAC collection file | Describes the acquisitions in the order delivery. | JSON | /acquisition_collections/{acquisitionID}_collection.json |
Order request file | Shows the JSON body of the order request. | JSON | /{orderID}-request.json |