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Metadata Query Resource

Last updated: August 29, 2022



List, re-run, or get the details of queries executed in an account.

Metadata Query requests

http method path name description
GET /metadata/query/account/{account_id} List the queries for an account Retrieves a list of queries for a given account based on query parameters.
GET /metadata/query/{query_id} Get the details for a specific query Retrieve the metadata for the given query as a GeoJSON Feature.
GET /metadata/query/{query_id}/results Re-run a query Retrieve the latest results for the given query by re-running the query. Note, it's possible to get different results from previous executions of the query if new matching data has arrived since the previous executions.
DEL /metadata/query/{query_id} Delete a query Delete the query record. If an order has been placed with the query ID, the query cannot be deleted.


key value description
Authorization Bearer {{token}} Authentication method for ARD API requests.
Content-Type application/json Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body.

List the queries for an account

GET /metadata/query/account/{account_id}

Path parameters

parameter description example
account_id The ID of the account you are part of.

Query parameters

Filter by optional query parameters.

parameter description example
user_id List queries executed by a specific user. user_id=7c42cda9-dba4-4ac9-a4da-56b4123e
named_only List only queries that have a query_name. named_only=true
filter Filter results that match values contained in the given key separated by a colon. filter=criteria.stack_depth:2
limit Limit the results returned in the list. limit=1
starting_after The query ID after which further queries will be returned in the list, paging forward. starting_after=Q585366936887978836
ending_before The query ID before which further queries will be returned in the list, paging backward. ending_before=Q5853668530004169316
sort Indicates sort order, desc (default) for descending order (newest first) and asc for ascending order (oldest first) sort=asc
start_date ISO-8601 formatted, YYYY-MM-DD. The first day of the date range to filter queries on. If used without end_date, the end_date is the date of the request. start_date=2022-02-01
end_date ISO-8601 formatted, YYYY-MM-DD. The last day of the date range to filter queries on. If used without start_date, the start_date is the date of the day of the request. end_date=2022-02-22

Example using start date and end date query parameters:


Response fields
field description example
query_id The unique identifier assigned to the query when executed for the first time. "query_id": "Q585874601312647606"
query_name The user-provided name given to the query when exectuted for the first time. "query_name": "ProjectYYYY"
account_id The identifier for the account where the query was executed. "account_id": "558915008036920"
user_id The identifier for the user who executed the query. "user_id": "967f33a5-1d80-4a74-9334-fcae93"
criteria The criteria submitted as part of the original request. See example below.
orders The order ID for any order placed using this query ID. If no orders have been placed, the value is "null". "orders": null
created The date the query was originally executed. "created": "2022-02-22T18:02:39Z",
modified Queries cannot be modified, so the date will always be the same as the "created" date. "modified": "2022-02-22T18:02:39Z"
expire_date Queries that are not given a query_name are given an expiration date of 90 days from the day the query was executed, as long as an order has not been placed using the query ID. If a query has a query_name, the value for the expire_date will be "null". "expire_date": null
has_more A value of "true" indicates the results extend beyond a single page. "has_more": true
object The object type is "list". "object": "list"
url The URL to the account record. Requires authentication. "url": ""
Response example
200 OK: success
    "data": [
            "query_id": "Q5862380019336611063",
            "query_name": "ProjectYYYY",
            "account_id": "5589150080369207736",
            "user_id": "967f33a5-1d80-4a74-9334-fcae93fd203f",
            "criteria": {
                "stack_depth": 2,
                "intersects": {
                    "type": "Polygon",
                    "coordinates": [
            "orders": null,
            "created": "2022-02-22T18:02:39Z",
            "modified": "2022-02-22T18:02:39Z",
            "expire_date": null
    "has_more": true,
    "object": "list",
    "url": ""

Get the details of a specific query


Path parameters

parameter description example
query_id The ID for the query to retrieve.


Shows the request used to execute the query.

200 OK: Success

404 NOT FOUND: Query ID not found


    "tile_query": {
        "query_id": "Q5858085789215197042",
        "query_name": "ProjectZZ",
        "account_id": "5589150080369207",
        "user_id": "967f33a5-1d80-4a74-9334",
        "criteria": {
            "stack_depth": 2,
            "intersects": {
                "type": "Polygon",
                "coordinates": [
        "orders": null,
        "created": "2022-02-16T19:50:47Z",
        "modified": "2022-02-16T19:50:47Z",
        "expire_date": null
    "links": {
        "self": ""
    "response_timestamp": "2022-02-16T19:51:39Z"

Re-run a query

GET /metadata/query/{query_id}/results
Re-run a query to get the most recent results.


Path parameters

parameter description example
query_id The ID for the query to retrieve.

Query parameters

Filter results by optional query parameters.

param description example
format Choose the tile format for the query results. Formats are "geojson" or "stac", and "order"; defaults to "geojson". format=stac


200 OK: Success

404 NOT FOUND: Query ID not found

The response is the same as the response to the original query. See Tile metadata definitions for a list of properties from the response.

Delete a query

DEL /metadata/query/{query_id}
Delete a query record. A query ID that has been used to place an order cannot be deleted.

parameter description example
query_id The ID for the query to delete.

Response codes

204 NO CONTENT: Success

404 NOT FOUND: Query ID not found

More resources

Metadata Overview

Tile Metadata Resource

Tile Metadata Properties

Cell Summary Resource

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