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Tasking Resource

Last Updated: December 16, 2022



Request imagery collection from one or more Maxar satellites.

See also Tasking User Guide

Tasking requests

http method path name description
POST /tasking Submit a Tasking request Request imagery collection from one or more Maxar satellites for a specified AOI and date range.
GET /tasking/{tasking_id} GET tasking details A read-only method for seeing details surrounding your tasking request.


key value description
Authorization Bearer {{token}} Authentication method for ARD API requests.
Content-Type application/json Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body.

Submit a Tasking request

Example request:


Example request body:

    "name": "albuquerque tasking request",
    "date": "2023-05-24/2023-06-24",
    "bbox": [-106.8, 35.1, -106.4, 35.4],
    "query": {
        "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
            "gte": 75.0
        "view:off_nadir": {
            "lte": 20
        "view:sun_elevation": {
            "gte": 25
        "platform": {
            "in": ["worldview-02", "geoeye-01"]
    "dry_run": false,
    "order_config": {
        "output_config": {
            "amazon_s3": {
                "bucket": "my_bucket_name",
                "prefix": "my_prefix_name"
        "metadata": {
            "project_id": "project12345"
        "settings": {
            "bundle_adjust": true,
            "healthy_vegetation_mask": false,
            "water_mask": false
        "notifications": [{
            "type": "email",
            "address": ""

Request body parameters

field name required description allowed values default
date required The value must be a date range in ISO-8601 format. Use a / to separate two date strings, e.g. “2023-10-25/2023-12-01”; for open-ended ranges use ..; for example: "2019-10-25/.." start date must be 1 day after submission; end date cannot be earlier than start date. default start date min is submission date + 1 day; default end date is the account's contract end date.
intersects Either the intersects or bbox field must be included. The AOI to collect imagery from in geojson geometry or WKT format. min = 25 sq kms, max = 10000 sq kms, min width = 250 meters. no default
bbox Either the intersects or bbox field must be included. The AOI to collect imagery from in [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] format. min = 25 sq kms, max = 10000 sq kms. no default
query object optional The query parameters for the tasking collection. See query fields table below. each query field has a default value.
order configuration object required The order details for placing an order when collected imagery is available. see order details section below. n/a
dry_run optional Include "dry_run": true to validate your request and see usage costs before submitting. true/false false

Note: A request cannot include an AOI in both the intersects and the bbox field.

Query parameters

A tasking request accepts the following parameters in the "query" object. If no value is submitted for a parameter, the default value will apply.

parameter description allowed values allowed operators default example
aoi:cloud_free_percentage For the specified AOI, only collect imagery tht is is greater than or equal to the specified value. 1-100 gte 50 "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {"gte": 75.0}
view:off_nadir The angle from the sensor between nadir (straight down) and the scene center, measured in degrees (0-90). (Note: for tiles, this is the average off-nadir angle of the full image strip.) 0 - 30 lte 30 "view:off_nadir": {"lte": 20}
view:sun_elevation The angle from the tangent of the scene center point to the sun. Measured from the horizon in degrees (0-90). 5-90 gte 15 "view:sun_elevation": {"gte": 25}
platform One or more Maxar satellites to task for imagery collection. worldview-01, worldview-02, worldview-03, geoeye-01 eq, contains, not-contains worldview-02, worldview-03, geoeye-01 "platform": {"in": ["worldview-02", "geoeye-01"]}

Note: Nightime imagery cannot be ordered as ARD. Nighttime imagery is imagery with a sun elevation of 0-5 degrees.


The ARD Tasking API request is translated and sent to the Tasking service. This means the query operators that can be used for each parameter is limited to what is listed in the "allowed operators" column in the table above.

gte: greater than or equal to lte: less than or equal to

Order config

Imagery collected to meet a tasking request is automatically ordered and delivered to your cloud storage location. to enable this, the order configuration is part of the tasking request.

The order configuration object is made up of the following:

object required description
output_config required Specify the cloud services provider and the storage location for your order delivery. Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob Storage are supported.
metadata optional Additional data user specifies for the order. For example, you may want to associate an order with a project name or describe the area of interest for the order.
settings optional Add optional settings to change the processing of your order, such as running Bundle Block Adjustment (BBA) and turning off delivery of specified masks.

These objects are explained in detail in the ARD Order API Reference.

Example dry run validation response:

200 OK

    "data": {
        "message": "Tasking dry-run validation successful.",
        "usage": {
            "area": {
                "tasking_imagery_sqkm": 220.0
            "cost": {
                "tasking_imagery_cost": 7700.0
            "limits": {
                "tasking_imagery_fee_limit": 10000.0
            "available": {
                "tasking_imagery_balance": 2300.00
            "usage_as_of": "2022-12-02T20:12:25Z"
    "links": {
        "request": ""
    "request_timestamp": "2022-12-02T20:12:24Z",
    "response_timestamp": "2022-12-02T20:12:25Z",
    "request_duration": 1.0
object 1 object 2 field description
data message Tasking dry run validation successful.
usage area tasking_imagery_sqkm The total number of sq km in the tasking request.
usage cost tasking_imagery_cost The cost of the tasking order. This is charged when the tasking request is submitted.
usage limits tasking_imagery_fee_limit The total tasking allowance for the account in U.S. dollars.
usage available tasking_imagery_balance The remaining tasking allowance for the account in U.S. dollars.
usage usage_as_of the date and time the validation request was made. Remaining usage is calculated up to the time of validation request.
links request A link to the tasking request body.
request_timestamp The date and time the request was submitted.
response_timestamp The time the response was returned.
request_duration The time in seconds between when the request was submitted and the response was returned.

Example Tasking response:

200 OK

  "data": {
      "id": "60609597630904043XX"
  "links": {
      "monitor": "",
      "request": ""
  "request_timestamp": "2022-11-23T17:45:02Z",
  "response_timestamp": "2022-11-23T17:45:13Z",
  "request_duration": 11.0
object field description
data id the unique identifier for the tasking request, also referred to as the "tasking id".
links monitor A link to the monitor generated by the tasking request. The monitor details show the fulfillment status for the tasking request.
links request A link to the tasking request body.
request_timestamp The date and time the request was submitted.
response_timestamp The time the response was returned.
request_duration The time in seconds between when the request was submitted and the response was returned.

GET tasking details

Example request


Path parameters

parameter description example
tasking_id To view details surrounding your tasking request, input your tasking ID in the path. 6067693596352811694

Example response body:

  "data": {
    "id": "tasking_id",
    "date_created": "2022-12-03T00:44:02Z",
    "date_modified": "2022-12-03T00:44:03Z",
    "name": "my_order_name",
    "description": "non-super tasking tests",
    "account_id": "my_account_id",
    "user_id": "my_user_id",
    "active": true,
    "intersects": null,
    "bbox": [
    "query": {
      "view:sun_elevation": {
        "gte": 5
      "aoi:cloud_free_percentage": {
        "gte": 1
      "view:off_nadir": {
        "lte": 30
      "platform": {
        "in": [
    "order_config": {
      "output_config": {
        "amazon_s3": {
          "bucket": "my_bucket_name",
          "prefix": "my_prefix_name"
      "settings": {
        "bundle_adjust": false,
        "healthy_vegetation_mask": false,
        "terrain_shadow_mask": false,
        "water_mask": false,
        "pan_flare_mask": false,
        "ms_saturation_mask": false
      "metadata": {
        "order_from": "tasking-api",
        "branch": "main"
      "notifications": [
          "type": "email",
          "address": ""
          "type": "sns",
          "topic_arn": "arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:817603998277:testing-topic-OpenTestTopic-1VOUECFDHER34"
    "start_collect": "2022-12-04T00:00:00Z",
    "end_collect": "2023-06-24T00:00:00Z",
    "monitor_id": "monitor_id",
    "usage": {
      "tasking_imagery_sqkm": 1530.746,
      "tasking_imagery_cost": 15.31
    "percent_remaining": 83.79,
    "remaining_aoi": "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[29.53125, 59.8889369], [29.53125, 60.23981117], [30.110816232738756, 60.23981117], [30.110901402, 60.22640569], [30.111155752, 60.19678433], [30.111487801, 60.163222596], [30.111607092, 60.148199847], [30.111644042207057, 60.144395622105705], [30.234375, 60.14369575], [30.01356621, 60.14495491], [30.01365621, 60.11532729], [30.01375887, 60.07159983], [30.01385325, 60.02782011], [30.01388373, 60.01728465], [30.234375, 60.01580459], [30.234375, 59.8889369], [29.53125, 59.8889369]]]}"
  "links": {
    "monitor": "",
    "history": "",
    "request": ""
  "request_timestamp": "2022-12-09T16:52:35Z",
  "response_timestamp": "2022-12-09T16:52:41Z",
  "request_duration": 6

Response body objects

field description example
id The Tasking ID for the tasking that made the match. "id": "5778229983415384..."
date_created The date your tasking order was created. "date_created": "2022-12-03T00:44:02Z"
date_modified The date your tasking order was last modified. "date_modified": "2022-12-03T00:44:03Z"
name The name of your tasking order. "name": "my_order_name"
description A description of the monitor to help identify it later. "non-super tasking tests
account_id The ID for the account where the credentials have beeen registered. 557471230760500000
active The user's active/inactive status. A value of "true" means the user is active and has access to ARD resources. A value of "false" means the user record has been deactivated. "active": true
intersects If the AOI was submitted in WKT or GeoJSON geometry format, it will display here. If no "intersects" value was submitted, this value for this field will be "null". "intersects": null
bbox If the AOI was submitted as a bbox, it will display here. If no bbox was submitted, the value for this field will be "null". "bbox": [44.663653, -6.042026, 44.853207, -5.901495]
query The query parameters the monitor is using to find matching imagery. See Query fields table here.
order_config Where your order is set up to output to. "order_config": { "output_config": { "amazon_s3": { "bucket": "my_bucket_name", "prefix": "my_prefix_name" }
settings The settings parameters the monitor will run on your imagery once it is found. See "Settings object" here.
metadata Various metadata attributes about your tasking order. "metadata": { "mixed_object": { "anotherbool": true, "object_object": "outer", "objectively_oject": "inner" }, "number": 21, "boolean": false, "order_from": "tasking-api", "string": "cow", "mixed_array": [ "word", 3, { "array_object": "first", "array_otherobject": "second" } ], "float": 9.876543210123456, "branch": "main" }
notifications How and where you have chosen to be notified when your tasking order is updated. "notifications": [{ "type": "email", "address": "" }
start_collect When your tasking order began collecting data "start_collec": "2022-12-04T00:00:00Z"
end_collect The last date your tasking order may take images. "end_collect": "2023-06-24T00:00:00Z"
usage How much of your subscription your tasking request has used, in both cost and square kilometers. "usage": {"tasking_imagery_sqkm": 1530.746, "tasking_imagery_cost": 15.31
percent_remaining The percentage of the AOI that has not been matched yet. 96.2%
remaining_aoi The coordinates for the remaining area that has not been fulfilled with an imagery match yet. "{\"type\": \"Polygon\", \"coordinates\": [[[29.53125, 59.8889369], [29.53125, 60.23981117], [30.110816232738756, 60.23981117], [30.110901402, 60.22640569], [30.111155752, 60.19678433], [30.111487801, 60.163222596], [30.111607092, 60.148199847], [30.111644042207057, 60.144395622105705], [30.234375, 60.14369575], [30.01356621, 60.14495491], [30.01365621, 60.11532729], [30.01375887, 60.07159983], [30.01385325, 60.02782011], [30.01388373, 60.01728465], [30.234375, 60.01580459], [30.234375, 59.8889369], [29.53125, 59.8889369]]]}"
links Links to various extra information about your order. see Example Tasking response.
request_timestamp The time the request was returned. "2022-12-09T16:52:35Z"
response_timestamp The time the response was returned. "2022-12-09T16:52:41Z"
request_duration The time in seconds between when the request was submitted and the response was returned. 6
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