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Self Resource

Last updated: January 20, 2023


This resource will provide the user's details, including their account_id, user_id, and admin status.


key value description
Authorization Bearer {{token}} Authentication method for ARD API requests.
Content-Type application/json Applies to POST, PATCH, PUT requests, which require a JSON body.

Get Self

GET /auth/self

Role required: User or Admin


There are no path, query, or body parameters required for this request. You must have an access token to make the request.


    "user": {
        "account_id": "5589150080...",
        "name": "Shea Mullins",
        "active": true,
        "admin": true,
        "created": "2021-03-12T21:14:17Z",
        "modified": "2021-03-12T21:14:18Z",
        "user_id": "967f33a5-1d80-4a74-933...",
        "country_code": "USA",
        "job_title": "data scientist",
        "email": "",
        "limits": {
            "annual_subscription_fee_limit": 1000,
            "fresh_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
            "standard_imagery_fee_limit": -1,
            "training_imagery_fee_limit": -1
    "links": {
        "self": "",
        "account": ""
    "response_timestamp": "2021-07-15T19:38:32Z"
A value of -1 indicates a limit was not set for the category. When all categories have a null or -1 value, ordering is only limited by the value in the annual_subscription_fee_limit field.

Response fields

field description example
account_id The ID for the account where the user was created. "account_id": "555523490000000"
name The user's full name. "name": "Shea Mullins"
active The user's active/inactive status. A value of "true" means the user is active and has access to ARD resources. A value of "false" means the user record has been deactivated. "active": true
admin If the admin value is "true", the user has been assigned the admin role. "admin": true
annual_subscription_fee_limit The total imagery fee limit set for the user. If no limit is submitted, the account limits apply. "annual_subscription_fee_limit": 900.0
country_code The ISO-3166-1-alpha-3 three-character country code where the user resides. country_code": "USA"
created The date the user record was created. "created": "2021-07-15T18:06:53Z"
fresh_imagery_fee_limit The fresh imagery fee limit set for the user. If no limit is set, the account's limit applies. "standard_imagery_fee_limit": null
job title The user's job title. job_title": "data scientist"
modified The date the user record was last modified with an update request. "modified": "2021-07-18T18:06:53Z"
response_timestamp Indicates the time the response to the request was returned. "response_timestamp": "2021-07-15T18:06:54Z
standard_imagery_fee_limit The standard imagery fee limit set for the user. If no limit is set, the account's limit applies. "standard_imagery_fee_limit": null
training_imagery_fee_limit The training imagery fee limit set for the user. If no limit is set, the account's limit applies. "training_imagery_fee_limit": null
user_id The ID assigned to the user. "user_id": "25af94cf-b031-47e1-a342-d65>>>"
link description
self URL to a "get self" request.
account URL to account details.
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