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60-day Deprecation Announcement

Deprecation Date: May 12, 2022

Retirement Date: Completed July 20, 2022

The following changes have been made and this retirement is complete.

The following components are deprecated, as of May 12, 2022. They will be removed from Maxar ARD service on July 12, 2022.:

  • The bundle_adjust field will be removed from the top-level order request fields,

  • The eo:bands field will be removed from mask raster assets in the order STAC Item Metadata file.

Remove bundle_adjust from top-level order request

The bundle_adjust field on the Order API is used to run the Bundle Block Adjustment (BBA) process in the requested order. This field has been moved to the new "settings" section for order requests.

Change description: A new “settings” section has been added to the Ordering API, and the bundle_adjust field is now part of settings. This replaces the bundle_adjust field in the top-level order request.

Deprecation period: The bundle_adjust field will be available in both the top-level request body and the settings section for 60 days. It will be removed from the top-level of the Order request body on July 12, 2022.

Action required: Switch to the bundle_adjust field in the new "settings" section as soon as possible.

Example order request with legacy bundle_adjust placement in the top-level request body:

    "select_id": "5841921840846",
    "output_config": {
        "amazon_s3": {
            "bucket": "my_bucket_name",
            "prefix": "my_prefix"
    "bundle_adjust": true,
    "notifications": [{
        "type": "email",
        "address": ""

Example order request with the bundle_adjust field located in the new “settings” object of an order request

    "select_id": "5841921840846",
    "output_config": {
        "amazon_s3": {
            "bucket": "my_bucket_name ",
            "prefix": "my_prefix"
     "settings": {
        "bundle_adjust": true,
        "cloud_mask": true,
        "healthy_vegetation_mask": true,
        "ms_saturation_mask": true,
        "pan_flare_mask": false,
        "terrain_shadow_mask": true,
        "water_mask": true
    "notifications": [
            "type": "email",
            "address": ""

See Order Settings

Remove eo:bands from mask rasters in Order STAC item metadata file

Change description: The field eo:bands will be removed from mask rasters. It currently provides information that is duplicated in the asset itself and does not match the intent of the EO extension.

Deprecation period: This field will be removed from each mask raster asset on July 12, 2022.

Action required: If you have code that relies on this field, it should be updated before this field is removed.

Example eo:bands field on the water mask raster

"eo:bands": [
                    "name": "BAND_WM",
                    "description": "Water Mask"
See Order STAC Item Metadata file

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