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Upload an AOI file

Last Updated: May 4, 2022

GeoJSON files and zipped Shapefiles can be uploaded to define your Area of Interest (AOI). The file must contain a valid AOI.

Upload a file

Step 1: From the AOI menu, click "upload".

upload an AOI

This will open your file browser.

Step 2: Browse to the file to upload and select it by double clicking or selecting the "Open" button.

Step 3: The AOI will appear on the map.

Note: The following sections include links to example files. You can download these files and use them to test the "upload" feature.

GeoJSON files

A GeoJSON file has one of the following file extensions:



Example GeoJSON file with Albuquerque, NM, USA AOI


Upload a zipped Shapefile directory and its contents. The directory will include a file with the .shp extension and the files that accompany it.

A shapefile directory can only include one file with the .shp expect. Directories with multiple shapefiles will not upload.

Example zipped Shapefile directory with Albuquerque, NM, USA AOI

More AOI help topics

AOI Guidelines and Validation

Draw an AOI on the Map

Paste an AOI Geometry