Module maxar_ard_grid.grid

maxar_ard_grid Tools for the 5k Maxar ARD grid based on

Tiling scheme is a 5km UTM grid at a 12th quadkey level Tiles are identified based on quadkeys using a top-left naming scheme

| 0 | 1 |

| 2 | 3 |

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""" maxar_ard_grid
    Tools for the 5k Maxar ARD grid
    based on

    Tiling scheme is a 5km UTM grid at a 12th quadkey level
    Tiles are identified based on quadkeys using a top-left naming scheme

    | 0 | 1 |
    | 2 | 3 |

import json
import math
import operator
import re
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import chain
from math import floor

import pyproj
from pyproj import CRS
from shapely import prepared, wkt
from shapely.affinity import translate
from shapely.geometry import (
from shapely.ops import split, transform

__all__ = ["Cell", "Grid", "covers"]

Coords = namedtuple("Coords", ["x", "y"])
CoordsBbox = namedtuple("CoordsBbox", ["xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax"])

quadkey_regex = re.compile(r"^[0-3]+$")
id_regex = re.compile(r"^[zZ]*(\d\d)[-/]([0-3]+)$")

class Cell(object):
    """general quadtree cells at any zoom in a given zone

    Initialize with:

    Cell(x, y, z, zone=zone)
        x(int): x-index of cell
        y(int): y-index of cell
        z(int): z-index (zoom) of cell
        zone(int): UTM zone number, required

    Cell(quadkey, zone=zone)
        quadkey(str): quadkey of cell
        zone(int): UTM zone number, required

        cell_id(str): Cell identifier in form 'Z{zone}-{quadkey}' or '{zone}/{quadkey}'


    def __init__(self, *args, zone=None):
        self._geom_WGS84 = None
        # x, y, z, zone=XX
        if len(args) == 3:
            if zone is None:
                raise ValueError("Zone cannot be None")
            self.x, self.y, self.z = args
   = zone
        elif len(args) == 1:
            # quadkey or cell id or already a cell
            arg = args[0]
            if type(arg) == Cell:
                self.x, self.y, self.z, = arg.x, arg.y, arg.z,
            elif quadkey_regex.match(arg):
                # quadkey, zone=XX
                if zone is None:
                    raise ValueError("Zone cannot be None")
                self.x, self.y, self.z = Grid.quadkey_to_index(arg)
       = int(zone)
                match = id_regex.match(arg)
                if not match:
                    raise ValueError("Unknown cell identifier")
       = int(
                self.x, self.y, self.z = Grid.quadkey_to_index(
            raise ValueError("Unknown cell identifiers - wrong number of args")

    def hemisphere(self):
        """Hemisphere of cell
        Used to determine correct EPSG code"""

        if self.quadkey[0] in ("0", "1"):
            return "N"
        return "S"

    def proj(self):
        """Projection code string of cell"""

        hemisphere_code = {"N": 6, "S": 7}[self.hemisphere]
        return "EPSG:32%s%02d" % (hemisphere_code,

    def bounds(self):
        """bounds of cell in its true UTM coordinates"""
        cell_bounds = Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)
        # The Canvas Grid does all calculations in North UTM
        # Cells in UTM South need to be adjusted in Y
        if self.hemisphere == "S":
            cell_bounds[1] += 10_000_000
            cell_bounds[3] += 10_000_000
        return cell_bounds

    def grid_bounds(self):
        """bounds of cell in its grid (North) UTM coordinates"""
        return Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)

    def bounds_WGS84(self):
        """Bounding box of cell in WGS84
        NOTE: this is the envelope! `Don't box(*cell.bounds_WGS84)`
        to get the WGS84 geometry. Use cell.geom_WGS84 instead"""
        warnings.warn("deprecating: use Cell.geom_WGS84.bounds")
        return self.geom_WGS84.bounds

    def geom_WGS84(self):
        """Geometry of cell in WGS84 (l)ongitude, latitude)"""
        if self._geom_WGS84 is None:
            # reprojection is expensive, so we cache the result
            tfm = get_transform(self.proj, 4326)
            self._geom_WGS84 = transform(tfm, shape(self))
        return self._geom_WGS84

    def to_feature(self):
        """Returns basic GeoJSON representation of cell as Python dict"""

        return {
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {"id":},
            "geometry": mapping(self.geom_WGS84),

    def to_geojson(self):
            "to_geojson() will be deprecated, use to_feature() for Python dicts, to_GeoJSON for json strings"
        return self.to_feature()

    def to_GeoJSON(self):
        """returns basic GeoJSON string of the cell"""
        return json.dumps(self.to_feature())

    def quadkey(self):
        """Quadkey of cell"""
        return Grid.index_to_quadkey(self.x, self.y, self.z)

    def id(self):
        """Cell identifier, in form:

        return "Z%02d-%s" % (, self.quadkey)

    def tile_id(self):
        """Alternative identifier used in tile paths and pipelines in form:

        return "%02d/%s" % (, self.quadkey)

    def zoom(self):
        return self.z

    def __geo_interface__(self):
        """Python geospatial interface
        To get a Shapely geometry representation of a cell do:

        geom = shape(cell)"""

        return box(*self.bounds).__geo_interface__

    def coords(self):
        """Coordinates of the cell in the quadkey system"""
        return self.x, self.y, self.z

    def parent(self):
        """Parent cell for the cell"""

        return self._get_parent()

    def get_parent_at_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Parent cell at a given zoom"""

        assert self.z >= zoom, "Requested zoom is larger than cell zoom"
        if self.z == zoom:
            return self
        cell = self.parent
        while cell.z > zoom:
            cell = cell._get_parent()
        return cell

    def _get_parent(self):
        """Calculate parent cell"""

        parent_z = self.z - 1
        if self.x % 2 == 0:
            parent_x = self.x // 2
            parent_x = (self.x - 1) // 2
        if self.y % 2 == 0:
            parent_y = self.y // 2
            parent_y = (self.y - 1) // 2
        return Cell(parent_x, parent_y, parent_z,

    def children(self):
        """Returns 4 child cells for a given cell"""

        return [
            Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,

    def get_children_at_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Generator of all child cells at a given zoom"""
        if self.z == zoom:
            yield self
        elif self.z > zoom:
            raise ValueError("Requested zoom is less than cell zoom")
            for cell in (
                for child_cell in self.children
                for cell in child_cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
                yield cell

    def neighbor(self, direction):
        """returns a neighboring cell in any cardinal or ordinal direction

        Based on method given in "A Practical Algorithm for Computing
            Neighbors in Quadtrees, Octrees, and Hyperoctrees" by
            Robert Yoder and Peter Bloniarz, published in
            "Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (The 2017
            WorldComp International Conference Proceedings)"


            direction(str): one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE

        def lookup(quadkey, direction, i=None):
            """use the Yoder & Bloniarz lookup table to find neighboring quadkeys"""
            # start at the last quad digit if not specified
            i = i or len(quadkey) - 1

            # look up the next quad and direction
            next_quad, next_direction = neighbor_lookup[quadkey[i]][direction]

            # substitute the current (i) quad digit
            new_quadkey = quadkey[:i] + next_quad + quadkey[i + 1 :]

            # if we're done, return the new quadkey
            # otherwise follow the direction to calculate the next digit to the left
            if next_direction == "halt":
                return new_quadkey
                i -= 1
                return lookup(new_quadkey, next_direction, i)

        qk = self.quadkey
        for d in direction.upper():
            qk = lookup(qk, d)

        return Cell(qk,

    def neighbors(self):
        """returns all neighboring cells"""
        directions = ("N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW")
        return {d: self.neighbor(d) for d in directions}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Cell %s>" %

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Two cells are equivalent if they have the same ID"""

        return ==

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Overloading `in` operator to see if a cell contains another cell

        >>> cell('Z40-3012302221') in cell('Z40-301230222')


    def __hash__(self):
        """Hash of cell ID"""
        return hash(

neighbor_lookup = {
    "0": {"E": ("1", "halt"), "W": ("1", "W"), "S": ("2", "halt"), "N": ("2", "N")},
    "1": {"E": ("0", "E"), "W": ("0", "halt"), "S": ("3", "halt"), "N": ("3", "N")},
    "2": {"E": ("3", "halt"), "W": ("3", "W"), "S": ("0", "S"), "N": ("0", "halt")},
    "3": {"E": ("2", "E"), "W": ("2", "halt"), "S": ("1", "S"), "N": ("1", "halt")},

def get_transform(src_proj, dest_proj):
    """Generate and cache a reprojection transform

        Initializing a transform is expensive so in cases
        of chipping we don't want to recreate the transform for every chip!

        src_proj: any pyproj acceptable input for the source projection
        dest_proj: any pyproj acceptable input for the destination projection

        pyproj transformation function"""

    return pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(
        src_proj, dest_proj, always_xy=True, skip_equivalent=True

def get_CRS(code):
    """Generate and cache a Coordinate Reference System object

        Initializing a CRS is expensive so in cases
        of checking lots of geoms with covers() we don't want to
        recreate the CRS for every check

        code: any pyproj acceptable input for a CRS

        pyproj CRS"""

    return CRS(code)

def covers(geom_src, zoom=12, src_proj=4326):
    """Generator of cells covered by a given object.

        geom_src: a source of geometry, see below
        zoom: zoom level of cells to return, defaults to 12
        src_proj: optional projection code of source data, default is WGS84

    Geometry Sources:
        - Python Geospatial Interface
        - Shapely geometries
        - Canvas Cells
        - Canvas Cell IDs
        - GeoJSON-like geometry dict
        - GeoJSON-like feature dict
        - Well Know Text (WKT)"""

    if src_proj != 4326:
            src_proj = get_CRS(src_proj)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown projection source: {src_proj}")
        if type(geom_src) == dict:
            geom = shape(geom_src)
        elif issubclass(type(geom_src), base.BaseGeometry):
            geom = geom_src
        elif type(geom_src) == Cell:
            return geom_src.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
        elif type(geom_src) == str:
                # make more robust, less dumb
                geom_dict = json.loads(geom_src)
                if "geometry" in geom_dict:
                    geom = shape(geom_dict["geometry"])
                    geom = shape(geom_dict)
                    cell = Cell(geom_src)
                    return cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
                    geom = wkt.loads(geom_src)
            geom = shape(geom_src.__geo_interface__)

        raise ValueError("Unable to convert input to a geometry object")
    return _covers_geom(geom, zoom, src_proj)

def lon2zone(lon):
    return (floor((lon + 180) / 6) % 60) + 1

def geom2zones(geom, zoom):
    """Find the UTM zones a geometry's covering ARD cells might lay in

        ARD cells are not completely within UTM zone boundaries,
        so a input on or near the boundary may be covered by cells
        from both zones

        geom(shapely geometry): input geometry
        zoom(int): zoom of cells to intersect

        tuple(start(int), stop(int)): start and stop of range of covering zones"""
    min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat = geom.bounds
    # calculate buffer for N/S bound farthest from equator
    max_lat_abs = max(abs(min_lat), abs(max_lat))
    cell_width = Grid.cell_size(zoom)
    buffer = cell_width / 40_075_000 * 360 / math.cos(math.radians(max_lat_abs))

    start = lon2zone(min_lon - buffer)
    stop = lon2zone(max_lon + buffer)

    return start, stop

def _covers_geom(geom, zoom, src_proj):
    """Calculate covering cells recursively

        geom(Shapely geometry): input geometry
        zoom(int): zoom of cells to intersect
        src_proj(int, stf, pyproj.CRS): projection of input geometry"""

    tfm = get_transform(src_proj, 4326)
    geom_84 = transform(tfm, geom)
    all_zones = set()
    all_geoms = []

    # If the object is a multi-geometry, we need to figure out
    # what zone(s) each part covers
    # However, it's possible we might have to split a part,
    # so we will reassemble the multi-geometry from the processed parts

    # break up a multi-geom or fake one
        geoms = geom_84.geoms
        geoms = [geom_84]

    for geom in geoms:
        start, stop = geom2zones(geom, zoom)
        if start == stop:
            # only one zone
            zones = [start]
            spanning = False
        elif stop >= start:
            # multiple contiguous zones
            zones = range(start, stop + 1)
            spanning = True
            # antimeridian case
            # multiple zones split into two ranges
            zones = chain(range(start, 61), range(1, stop + 1))

            # if we cross the antimeridian, we probably have to split up geometries
            shifted = []
            g_west = split(geom, LineString([(-180, -90), (-180, 90)]))
            for gw in g_west:
                if gw.bounds[2] <= -180:
                    shifted.append(translate(gw, xoff=360))
                    g_east = split(gw, LineString([(180, -90), (180, 90)]))
                    for ge in g_east:
                        if ge.bounds[0] >= 180:
                            shifted.append(translate(ge, xoff=-360))
            geom = GeometryCollection(shifted)
            spanning = True

    # reassemble the parts
    all_geoms = GeometryCollection(all_geoms)

    # check the geometry per zone
    for zone in all_zones:
        utm_proj = "EPSG:326%02d" % zone
        grid = Grid(zone)
        cell_width = Grid.cell_size(zoom)
        # the maximum possible cell buffer at 84d longitidude
        # plus a little extra
        buffer = cell_width / 40_075_000 * 360 / 0.1
        zone_box = box(grid.min_lon - buffer, -90, grid.max_lon + buffer, 90)
        clipped_geom = all_geoms.intersection(zone_box)
        tfm = get_transform(4326, utm_proj)
        utm_geom = transform(tfm, clipped_geom)
        for cell in grid.covers(utm_geom, zoom=zoom):
            if not spanning:
                if cell in grid:
                    yield cell
                cell_min_lon, _, cell_max_lon, _ = cell.geom_WGS84.bounds
                if cell_min_lon <= grid.max_lon and cell_max_lon >= grid.min_lon:
                    if cell in grid:
                        yield cell

class Grid(object):
    """A quadkey grid covering a given zone

        zone(int): UTM zone of grid"""

    cell_zoom = 12
    map_size = 10_240_000
    _bounds = CoordsBbox(-map_size + 500_000.0, -map_size, map_size + 500_000.0, map_size)

    def __init__(self, zone):
        if zone is None:
            raise ValueError("UTM zone cannot be None")
        if type(zone) is not int:
            raise ValueError("UTM zone must be an integer")
        if zone < 1 or zone > 60:
            raise ValueError("Invalid UTM zone number") = zone

        self.min_lon = (zone - 1) * 6 - 180
        self.max_lon = self.min_lon + 6

    def cell_size(cls, zoom):
        return cls.map_size / 2 ** (zoom - 1)

    def __contains__(self, cell):
        """Test if a cell is in the grid.

        Zone grids are assymmetric - they extend further to the east
        to provide seamless coverage. See the grid cell geopackage files.

            cell(Cell): Cell to test

            bool: True if cell is in grid"""

        min_lon, _, max_lon, _ = cell.geom_WGS84.bounds

        # cell is inside the zone
        if min_lon >= self.min_lon and max_lon <= self.max_lon:
            return True

        # cells spanning the east boundary are considered in
        if max_lon >= self.max_lon and min_lon <= self.max_lon:
            return True

        # cells spanning west are in if the majority of their bottom side
        # is east of the boundary. Centroids do not work here!
        if max_lon >= self.min_lon and min_lon <= self.min_lon:
            # get unique coords
            co = list(cell.geom_WGS84.exterior.coords)[:4]
            # sort by X so we can get the points of the bottom side
            co_x = sorted(co, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
            # see if the bottom side is biased east or west of the boundary
            west = self.min_lon - co_x[1][0]
            east = co_x[3][0] - self.min_lon
            if east >= west:
                return True

        return False

    def quadkey_to_index(qk):
        x = 0
        y = 0
        for i, digit in enumerate(reversed(qk)):
            mask = 1 << i
            if digit == "1":
                x = x | mask
            elif digit == "2":
                y = y | mask
            elif digit == "3":
                x = x | mask
                y = y | mask
        return x, y, len(qk)

    def index_to_quadkey(x, y, z):
        quadkey = []
        for zoom in range(z, 0, -1):
            digit = 0
            mask = 1 << (zoom - 1)
            if int(x) & mask:
                digit += 1
            if int(y) & mask:
                digit += 2
        return "".join(str(d) for d in quadkey)

    def cell_to_bounds(self, x, y, z):
        """Return the UTM bounds of a cell"""
        xmin = (x / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
        xmax = ((x + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
        ymin = self._bounds.ymax - ((y + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
        ymax = self._bounds.ymax - (y / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
        return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

    def covers(self, geom, zoom):
        """returns a generator of cells intersecting a geometry

            geom(str or dict of geojson or Shapely geom): geometry to intersect (in UTM)

            generator of intersecting Canvas cells"""

        # Only shapely geometries allowed.
        if not isinstance(geom, base.BaseGeometry):
            raise ValueError("geometry is not valid")

        if geom.is_empty:

        # Generate the covering.
        prep_geom = prepared.prep(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
            for cell in self._cover_polygonal(
                Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom
                yield cell
            for cell in self._cover_geometry(Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
                yield cell

    def _cover_geometry(self, curr_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
        """Covers geometries with cells by recursion.
            curr_cell: The current cell in the recursion scheme.
            prep_geom: The prepared version of the geometry we would like to cover.
            geom: The shapely geometry we would like to cover.
            An iterator of Cell objects that
            cover the input geometry.
        if prep_geom.intersects(box(*curr_cell.grid_bounds)):
            if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                yield curr_cell
                for cell in (
                    for child_cell in curr_cell.children
                    for cell in self._cover_geometry(child_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom)
                    yield cell

    def _cover_polygonal(self, curr_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
        """Covers polygonal geometries with cells by recursion.
        This is method is slightly more efficient than _cover_geometry in
        that we can check if a cell is completely covered by a geometry
        and if so, skip directly to the max zoom level to fetch the
        covered cells.
            curr_cell: The current cell in the recursion scheme.
            prep_geom: The prepared version of the polygonal geometry we
                    would like to cover.
            geom: The shapely polygonal geometry we would like to cover.
            An iterator of Cell objects that cover the input polygonal geometry.

        cell_geom = box(*curr_cell.grid_bounds)
        if prep_geom.intersects(cell_geom):
            if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                yield curr_cell
            elif prep_geom.contains(cell_geom):
                if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                    yield curr_cell
                    for cell in curr_cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom):
                        yield cell
                for cell in (
                    for child_cell in curr_cell.children
                    for cell in self._cover_polygonal(child_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom)
                    yield cell


def covers(geom_src, zoom=12, src_proj=4326)

Generator of cells covered by a given object.

Args geom_src: a source of geometry, see below zoom: zoom level of cells to return, defaults to 12 src_proj: optional projection code of source data, default is WGS84

Geometry Sources: - Python Geospatial Interface - Shapely geometries - Canvas Cells - Canvas Cell IDs - GeoJSON-like geometry dict - GeoJSON-like feature dict - Well Know Text (WKT)

Expand source code
def covers(geom_src, zoom=12, src_proj=4326):
    """Generator of cells covered by a given object.

        geom_src: a source of geometry, see below
        zoom: zoom level of cells to return, defaults to 12
        src_proj: optional projection code of source data, default is WGS84

    Geometry Sources:
        - Python Geospatial Interface
        - Shapely geometries
        - Canvas Cells
        - Canvas Cell IDs
        - GeoJSON-like geometry dict
        - GeoJSON-like feature dict
        - Well Know Text (WKT)"""

    if src_proj != 4326:
            src_proj = get_CRS(src_proj)
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown projection source: {src_proj}")
        if type(geom_src) == dict:
            geom = shape(geom_src)
        elif issubclass(type(geom_src), base.BaseGeometry):
            geom = geom_src
        elif type(geom_src) == Cell:
            return geom_src.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
        elif type(geom_src) == str:
                # make more robust, less dumb
                geom_dict = json.loads(geom_src)
                if "geometry" in geom_dict:
                    geom = shape(geom_dict["geometry"])
                    geom = shape(geom_dict)
                    cell = Cell(geom_src)
                    return cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
                    geom = wkt.loads(geom_src)
            geom = shape(geom_src.__geo_interface__)

        raise ValueError("Unable to convert input to a geometry object")
    return _covers_geom(geom, zoom, src_proj)


class Cell (*args, zone=None)

general quadtree cells at any zoom in a given zone

Initialize with:

Cell(x, y, z, zone=zone) x(int): x-index of cell y(int): y-index of cell z(int): z-index (zoom) of cell zone(int): UTM zone number, required

Cell(quadkey, zone=zone) quadkey(str): quadkey of cell zone(int): UTM zone number, required

Cell(cell_id) cell_id(str): Cell identifier in form 'Z{zone}-{quadkey}' or '{zone}/{quadkey}'

Expand source code
class Cell(object):
    """general quadtree cells at any zoom in a given zone

    Initialize with:

    Cell(x, y, z, zone=zone)
        x(int): x-index of cell
        y(int): y-index of cell
        z(int): z-index (zoom) of cell
        zone(int): UTM zone number, required

    Cell(quadkey, zone=zone)
        quadkey(str): quadkey of cell
        zone(int): UTM zone number, required

        cell_id(str): Cell identifier in form 'Z{zone}-{quadkey}' or '{zone}/{quadkey}'


    def __init__(self, *args, zone=None):
        self._geom_WGS84 = None
        # x, y, z, zone=XX
        if len(args) == 3:
            if zone is None:
                raise ValueError("Zone cannot be None")
            self.x, self.y, self.z = args
   = zone
        elif len(args) == 1:
            # quadkey or cell id or already a cell
            arg = args[0]
            if type(arg) == Cell:
                self.x, self.y, self.z, = arg.x, arg.y, arg.z,
            elif quadkey_regex.match(arg):
                # quadkey, zone=XX
                if zone is None:
                    raise ValueError("Zone cannot be None")
                self.x, self.y, self.z = Grid.quadkey_to_index(arg)
       = int(zone)
                match = id_regex.match(arg)
                if not match:
                    raise ValueError("Unknown cell identifier")
       = int(
                self.x, self.y, self.z = Grid.quadkey_to_index(
            raise ValueError("Unknown cell identifiers - wrong number of args")

    def hemisphere(self):
        """Hemisphere of cell
        Used to determine correct EPSG code"""

        if self.quadkey[0] in ("0", "1"):
            return "N"
        return "S"

    def proj(self):
        """Projection code string of cell"""

        hemisphere_code = {"N": 6, "S": 7}[self.hemisphere]
        return "EPSG:32%s%02d" % (hemisphere_code,

    def bounds(self):
        """bounds of cell in its true UTM coordinates"""
        cell_bounds = Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)
        # The Canvas Grid does all calculations in North UTM
        # Cells in UTM South need to be adjusted in Y
        if self.hemisphere == "S":
            cell_bounds[1] += 10_000_000
            cell_bounds[3] += 10_000_000
        return cell_bounds

    def grid_bounds(self):
        """bounds of cell in its grid (North) UTM coordinates"""
        return Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)

    def bounds_WGS84(self):
        """Bounding box of cell in WGS84
        NOTE: this is the envelope! `Don't box(*cell.bounds_WGS84)`
        to get the WGS84 geometry. Use cell.geom_WGS84 instead"""
        warnings.warn("deprecating: use Cell.geom_WGS84.bounds")
        return self.geom_WGS84.bounds

    def geom_WGS84(self):
        """Geometry of cell in WGS84 (l)ongitude, latitude)"""
        if self._geom_WGS84 is None:
            # reprojection is expensive, so we cache the result
            tfm = get_transform(self.proj, 4326)
            self._geom_WGS84 = transform(tfm, shape(self))
        return self._geom_WGS84

    def to_feature(self):
        """Returns basic GeoJSON representation of cell as Python dict"""

        return {
            "type": "Feature",
            "properties": {"id":},
            "geometry": mapping(self.geom_WGS84),

    def to_geojson(self):
            "to_geojson() will be deprecated, use to_feature() for Python dicts, to_GeoJSON for json strings"
        return self.to_feature()

    def to_GeoJSON(self):
        """returns basic GeoJSON string of the cell"""
        return json.dumps(self.to_feature())

    def quadkey(self):
        """Quadkey of cell"""
        return Grid.index_to_quadkey(self.x, self.y, self.z)

    def id(self):
        """Cell identifier, in form:

        return "Z%02d-%s" % (, self.quadkey)

    def tile_id(self):
        """Alternative identifier used in tile paths and pipelines in form:

        return "%02d/%s" % (, self.quadkey)

    def zoom(self):
        return self.z

    def __geo_interface__(self):
        """Python geospatial interface
        To get a Shapely geometry representation of a cell do:

        geom = shape(cell)"""

        return box(*self.bounds).__geo_interface__

    def coords(self):
        """Coordinates of the cell in the quadkey system"""
        return self.x, self.y, self.z

    def parent(self):
        """Parent cell for the cell"""

        return self._get_parent()

    def get_parent_at_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Parent cell at a given zoom"""

        assert self.z >= zoom, "Requested zoom is larger than cell zoom"
        if self.z == zoom:
            return self
        cell = self.parent
        while cell.z > zoom:
            cell = cell._get_parent()
        return cell

    def _get_parent(self):
        """Calculate parent cell"""

        parent_z = self.z - 1
        if self.x % 2 == 0:
            parent_x = self.x // 2
            parent_x = (self.x - 1) // 2
        if self.y % 2 == 0:
            parent_y = self.y // 2
            parent_y = (self.y - 1) // 2
        return Cell(parent_x, parent_y, parent_z,

    def children(self):
        """Returns 4 child cells for a given cell"""

        return [
            Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,
            Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,

    def get_children_at_zoom(self, zoom):
        """Generator of all child cells at a given zoom"""
        if self.z == zoom:
            yield self
        elif self.z > zoom:
            raise ValueError("Requested zoom is less than cell zoom")
            for cell in (
                for child_cell in self.children
                for cell in child_cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
                yield cell

    def neighbor(self, direction):
        """returns a neighboring cell in any cardinal or ordinal direction

        Based on method given in "A Practical Algorithm for Computing
            Neighbors in Quadtrees, Octrees, and Hyperoctrees" by
            Robert Yoder and Peter Bloniarz, published in
            "Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (The 2017
            WorldComp International Conference Proceedings)"


            direction(str): one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE

        def lookup(quadkey, direction, i=None):
            """use the Yoder & Bloniarz lookup table to find neighboring quadkeys"""
            # start at the last quad digit if not specified
            i = i or len(quadkey) - 1

            # look up the next quad and direction
            next_quad, next_direction = neighbor_lookup[quadkey[i]][direction]

            # substitute the current (i) quad digit
            new_quadkey = quadkey[:i] + next_quad + quadkey[i + 1 :]

            # if we're done, return the new quadkey
            # otherwise follow the direction to calculate the next digit to the left
            if next_direction == "halt":
                return new_quadkey
                i -= 1
                return lookup(new_quadkey, next_direction, i)

        qk = self.quadkey
        for d in direction.upper():
            qk = lookup(qk, d)

        return Cell(qk,

    def neighbors(self):
        """returns all neighboring cells"""
        directions = ("N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW")
        return {d: self.neighbor(d) for d in directions}

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Cell %s>" %

    def __eq__(self, other):
        """Two cells are equivalent if they have the same ID"""

        return ==

    def __contains__(self, other):
        """Overloading `in` operator to see if a cell contains another cell

        >>> cell('Z40-3012302221') in cell('Z40-301230222')


    def __hash__(self):
        """Hash of cell ID"""
        return hash(

Instance variables

var bounds

bounds of cell in its true UTM coordinates

Expand source code
def bounds(self):
    """bounds of cell in its true UTM coordinates"""
    cell_bounds = Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)
    # The Canvas Grid does all calculations in North UTM
    # Cells in UTM South need to be adjusted in Y
    if self.hemisphere == "S":
        cell_bounds[1] += 10_000_000
        cell_bounds[3] += 10_000_000
    return cell_bounds
var bounds_WGS84

Bounding box of cell in WGS84 NOTE: this is the envelope! Don't box(*cell.bounds_WGS84) to get the WGS84 geometry. Use cell.geom_WGS84 instead

Expand source code
def bounds_WGS84(self):
    """Bounding box of cell in WGS84
    NOTE: this is the envelope! `Don't box(*cell.bounds_WGS84)`
    to get the WGS84 geometry. Use cell.geom_WGS84 instead"""
    warnings.warn("deprecating: use Cell.geom_WGS84.bounds")
    return self.geom_WGS84.bounds
var children

Returns 4 child cells for a given cell

Expand source code
def children(self):
    """Returns 4 child cells for a given cell"""

    return [
        Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
        Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y, self.z + 1,,
        Cell(2 * self.x, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,
        Cell(2 * self.x + 1, 2 * self.y + 1, self.z + 1,,
var coords

Coordinates of the cell in the quadkey system

Expand source code
def coords(self):
    """Coordinates of the cell in the quadkey system"""
    return self.x, self.y, self.z
var geom_WGS84

Geometry of cell in WGS84 (l)ongitude, latitude)

Expand source code
def geom_WGS84(self):
    """Geometry of cell in WGS84 (l)ongitude, latitude)"""
    if self._geom_WGS84 is None:
        # reprojection is expensive, so we cache the result
        tfm = get_transform(self.proj, 4326)
        self._geom_WGS84 = transform(tfm, shape(self))
    return self._geom_WGS84
var grid_bounds

bounds of cell in its grid (North) UTM coordinates

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def grid_bounds(self):
    """bounds of cell in its grid (North) UTM coordinates"""
    return Grid.cell_to_bounds(self.x, self.y, self.z)
var hemisphere

Hemisphere of cell Used to determine correct EPSG code

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def hemisphere(self):
    """Hemisphere of cell
    Used to determine correct EPSG code"""

    if self.quadkey[0] in ("0", "1"):
        return "N"
    return "S"
var id

Cell identifier, in form: Z{zone}-{quadkey}

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def id(self):
    """Cell identifier, in form:

    return "Z%02d-%s" % (, self.quadkey)
var neighbors

returns all neighboring cells

Expand source code
def neighbors(self):
    """returns all neighboring cells"""
    directions = ("N", "NE", "E", "SE", "S", "SW", "W", "NW")
    return {d: self.neighbor(d) for d in directions}
var parent

Parent cell for the cell

Expand source code
def parent(self):
    """Parent cell for the cell"""

    return self._get_parent()
var proj

Projection code string of cell

Expand source code
def proj(self):
    """Projection code string of cell"""

    hemisphere_code = {"N": 6, "S": 7}[self.hemisphere]
    return "EPSG:32%s%02d" % (hemisphere_code,
var quadkey

Quadkey of cell

Expand source code
def quadkey(self):
    """Quadkey of cell"""
    return Grid.index_to_quadkey(self.x, self.y, self.z)
var tile_id

Alternative identifier used in tile paths and pipelines in form: {zone}/{quadkey}

Expand source code
def tile_id(self):
    """Alternative identifier used in tile paths and pipelines in form:

    return "%02d/%s" % (, self.quadkey)
var zoom
Expand source code
def zoom(self):
    return self.z


def get_children_at_zoom(self, zoom)

Generator of all child cells at a given zoom

Expand source code
def get_children_at_zoom(self, zoom):
    """Generator of all child cells at a given zoom"""
    if self.z == zoom:
        yield self
    elif self.z > zoom:
        raise ValueError("Requested zoom is less than cell zoom")
        for cell in (
            for child_cell in self.children
            for cell in child_cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom)
            yield cell
def get_parent_at_zoom(self, zoom)

Parent cell at a given zoom

Expand source code
def get_parent_at_zoom(self, zoom):
    """Parent cell at a given zoom"""

    assert self.z >= zoom, "Requested zoom is larger than cell zoom"
    if self.z == zoom:
        return self
    cell = self.parent
    while cell.z > zoom:
        cell = cell._get_parent()
    return cell
def neighbor(self, direction)

returns a neighboring cell in any cardinal or ordinal direction

Based on method given in "A Practical Algorithm for Computing Neighbors in Quadtrees, Octrees, and Hyperoctrees" by Robert Yoder and Peter Bloniarz, published in "Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (The 2017 WorldComp International Conference Proceedings)"



direction(str): one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE



Expand source code
def neighbor(self, direction):
    """returns a neighboring cell in any cardinal or ordinal direction

    Based on method given in "A Practical Algorithm for Computing
        Neighbors in Quadtrees, Octrees, and Hyperoctrees" by
        Robert Yoder and Peter Bloniarz, published in
        "Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (The 2017
        WorldComp International Conference Proceedings)"


        direction(str): one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE

    def lookup(quadkey, direction, i=None):
        """use the Yoder & Bloniarz lookup table to find neighboring quadkeys"""
        # start at the last quad digit if not specified
        i = i or len(quadkey) - 1

        # look up the next quad and direction
        next_quad, next_direction = neighbor_lookup[quadkey[i]][direction]

        # substitute the current (i) quad digit
        new_quadkey = quadkey[:i] + next_quad + quadkey[i + 1 :]

        # if we're done, return the new quadkey
        # otherwise follow the direction to calculate the next digit to the left
        if next_direction == "halt":
            return new_quadkey
            i -= 1
            return lookup(new_quadkey, next_direction, i)

    qk = self.quadkey
    for d in direction.upper():
        qk = lookup(qk, d)

    return Cell(qk,
def to_GeoJSON(self)

returns basic GeoJSON string of the cell

Expand source code
def to_GeoJSON(self):
    """returns basic GeoJSON string of the cell"""
    return json.dumps(self.to_feature())
def to_feature(self)

Returns basic GeoJSON representation of cell as Python dict

Expand source code
def to_feature(self):
    """Returns basic GeoJSON representation of cell as Python dict"""

    return {
        "type": "Feature",
        "properties": {"id":},
        "geometry": mapping(self.geom_WGS84),
def to_geojson(self)
Expand source code
def to_geojson(self):
        "to_geojson() will be deprecated, use to_feature() for Python dicts, to_GeoJSON for json strings"
    return self.to_feature()
class Grid (zone)

A quadkey grid covering a given zone

Args zone(int): UTM zone of grid

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class Grid(object):
    """A quadkey grid covering a given zone

        zone(int): UTM zone of grid"""

    cell_zoom = 12
    map_size = 10_240_000
    _bounds = CoordsBbox(-map_size + 500_000.0, -map_size, map_size + 500_000.0, map_size)

    def __init__(self, zone):
        if zone is None:
            raise ValueError("UTM zone cannot be None")
        if type(zone) is not int:
            raise ValueError("UTM zone must be an integer")
        if zone < 1 or zone > 60:
            raise ValueError("Invalid UTM zone number") = zone

        self.min_lon = (zone - 1) * 6 - 180
        self.max_lon = self.min_lon + 6

    def cell_size(cls, zoom):
        return cls.map_size / 2 ** (zoom - 1)

    def __contains__(self, cell):
        """Test if a cell is in the grid.

        Zone grids are assymmetric - they extend further to the east
        to provide seamless coverage. See the grid cell geopackage files.

            cell(Cell): Cell to test

            bool: True if cell is in grid"""

        min_lon, _, max_lon, _ = cell.geom_WGS84.bounds

        # cell is inside the zone
        if min_lon >= self.min_lon and max_lon <= self.max_lon:
            return True

        # cells spanning the east boundary are considered in
        if max_lon >= self.max_lon and min_lon <= self.max_lon:
            return True

        # cells spanning west are in if the majority of their bottom side
        # is east of the boundary. Centroids do not work here!
        if max_lon >= self.min_lon and min_lon <= self.min_lon:
            # get unique coords
            co = list(cell.geom_WGS84.exterior.coords)[:4]
            # sort by X so we can get the points of the bottom side
            co_x = sorted(co, key=operator.itemgetter(0))
            # see if the bottom side is biased east or west of the boundary
            west = self.min_lon - co_x[1][0]
            east = co_x[3][0] - self.min_lon
            if east >= west:
                return True

        return False

    def quadkey_to_index(qk):
        x = 0
        y = 0
        for i, digit in enumerate(reversed(qk)):
            mask = 1 << i
            if digit == "1":
                x = x | mask
            elif digit == "2":
                y = y | mask
            elif digit == "3":
                x = x | mask
                y = y | mask
        return x, y, len(qk)

    def index_to_quadkey(x, y, z):
        quadkey = []
        for zoom in range(z, 0, -1):
            digit = 0
            mask = 1 << (zoom - 1)
            if int(x) & mask:
                digit += 1
            if int(y) & mask:
                digit += 2
        return "".join(str(d) for d in quadkey)

    def cell_to_bounds(self, x, y, z):
        """Return the UTM bounds of a cell"""
        xmin = (x / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
        xmax = ((x + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
        ymin = self._bounds.ymax - ((y + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
        ymax = self._bounds.ymax - (y / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
        return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]

    def covers(self, geom, zoom):
        """returns a generator of cells intersecting a geometry

            geom(str or dict of geojson or Shapely geom): geometry to intersect (in UTM)

            generator of intersecting Canvas cells"""

        # Only shapely geometries allowed.
        if not isinstance(geom, base.BaseGeometry):
            raise ValueError("geometry is not valid")

        if geom.is_empty:

        # Generate the covering.
        prep_geom = prepared.prep(geom)
        if isinstance(geom, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
            for cell in self._cover_polygonal(
                Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom
                yield cell
            for cell in self._cover_geometry(Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
                yield cell

    def _cover_geometry(self, curr_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
        """Covers geometries with cells by recursion.
            curr_cell: The current cell in the recursion scheme.
            prep_geom: The prepared version of the geometry we would like to cover.
            geom: The shapely geometry we would like to cover.
            An iterator of Cell objects that
            cover the input geometry.
        if prep_geom.intersects(box(*curr_cell.grid_bounds)):
            if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                yield curr_cell
                for cell in (
                    for child_cell in curr_cell.children
                    for cell in self._cover_geometry(child_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom)
                    yield cell

    def _cover_polygonal(self, curr_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
        """Covers polygonal geometries with cells by recursion.
        This is method is slightly more efficient than _cover_geometry in
        that we can check if a cell is completely covered by a geometry
        and if so, skip directly to the max zoom level to fetch the
        covered cells.
            curr_cell: The current cell in the recursion scheme.
            prep_geom: The prepared version of the polygonal geometry we
                    would like to cover.
            geom: The shapely polygonal geometry we would like to cover.
            An iterator of Cell objects that cover the input polygonal geometry.

        cell_geom = box(*curr_cell.grid_bounds)
        if prep_geom.intersects(cell_geom):
            if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                yield curr_cell
            elif prep_geom.contains(cell_geom):
                if curr_cell.z == zoom:
                    yield curr_cell
                    for cell in curr_cell.get_children_at_zoom(zoom):
                        yield cell
                for cell in (
                    for child_cell in curr_cell.children
                    for cell in self._cover_polygonal(child_cell, prep_geom, geom, zoom)
                    yield cell

Class variables

var cell_zoom
var map_size

Static methods

def cell_size(zoom)
Expand source code
def cell_size(cls, zoom):
    return cls.map_size / 2 ** (zoom - 1)
def cell_to_bounds(x, y, z)

Return the UTM bounds of a cell

Expand source code
def cell_to_bounds(self, x, y, z):
    """Return the UTM bounds of a cell"""
    xmin = (x / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
    xmax = ((x + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.xmax - self._bounds.xmin)) + self._bounds.xmin
    ymin = self._bounds.ymax - ((y + 1) / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
    ymax = self._bounds.ymax - (y / (2.0**z) * (self._bounds.ymax - self._bounds.ymin))
    return [xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
def index_to_quadkey(x, y, z)
Expand source code
def index_to_quadkey(x, y, z):
    quadkey = []
    for zoom in range(z, 0, -1):
        digit = 0
        mask = 1 << (zoom - 1)
        if int(x) & mask:
            digit += 1
        if int(y) & mask:
            digit += 2
    return "".join(str(d) for d in quadkey)
def quadkey_to_index(qk)
Expand source code
def quadkey_to_index(qk):
    x = 0
    y = 0
    for i, digit in enumerate(reversed(qk)):
        mask = 1 << i
        if digit == "1":
            x = x | mask
        elif digit == "2":
            y = y | mask
        elif digit == "3":
            x = x | mask
            y = y | mask
    return x, y, len(qk)


def covers(self, geom, zoom)

returns a generator of cells intersecting a geometry


geom(str or dict of geojson or Shapely geom): geometry to intersect (in UTM)


generator of intersecting Canvas cells

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def covers(self, geom, zoom):
    """returns a generator of cells intersecting a geometry

        geom(str or dict of geojson or Shapely geom): geometry to intersect (in UTM)

        generator of intersecting Canvas cells"""

    # Only shapely geometries allowed.
    if not isinstance(geom, base.BaseGeometry):
        raise ValueError("geometry is not valid")

    if geom.is_empty:

    # Generate the covering.
    prep_geom = prepared.prep(geom)
    if isinstance(geom, (Polygon, MultiPolygon)):
        for cell in self._cover_polygonal(
            Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom
            yield cell
        for cell in self._cover_geometry(Cell(0, 0, 0,, prep_geom, geom, zoom):
            yield cell